Implantations : France ▼


Message à l’attention des Pharmaciens de ville :

La spécialité Cystadrops® est désormais uniquement disponible en officines de ville. Pour passer commande directement auprès de notre laboratoire, merci de consulter la fiche information Commandes disponible sur le lien suivant

Fiche information commandes

Our purpose:

Unlocking the full potential of life


We are a group of like-minded, passionate individuals who go to extraordinary lengths for our partners, customers, investors and the people across the globe who we serve. We develop and commercialise medicines to serve people living with common diseases, as well as those living with some of the rarest, in around 150 countries.


At Recordati, our mantra is simple. We’ve always believed that health, and the opportunity to live life to the fullest, is a right, not a privilege. Whether that is for common diseases or the rarest – we want to give people the opportunity to be the best version of themselves.


This drive will never stop. Together, we will always be reimagining tomorrow – with new ideas, new technologies and new innovations to fight diseases.